Tamil Nadu Politics

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Just fooling around

At the risk of sounding cynical, it must be said that with the people getting fooled by the slick, street-smart politicians round the year, there is nothing really sanctimonious about April 1, the official fools day. One often gets this self-deprecatory feeling that ours is a country of fools where fooling is a national habit and getting fooled a national weakness.
And no other time exemplifies this feel-fool-factor than poll time, which could be rated as the prime time for mass fooling,when politicians are at their fooling best and people at their believing worst. What coincidence that elections in TN almost always fall in May and campaigns begin on or around April 1. Fate favours the foolers, probably! This ritualistic democratic exercise lays waste the famed saying that one cannot fool everyone all the time. The only option the voters have is that they can choose the person they wish to be fooled by.(more...)

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